Sunday, February 13, 2011

hearts and more hearts

ever notice that our calendar plops Valentine's Day right between the meanest-cold and ickiest-slush weather; between the holidays and tax day; right after January's depressing ankle measurements and resolutions, and right before the spring sales? it sounds like some sick-minded planning, right? or maybe it's a perfect time to send some hugs'n'kisses?

my other biggest fan, Mom, ordered 3 dozen hearts for her and Dad's siblings and their Valentines--some to say hi there, some to say get well soon, but all of them up-to-me and love-themed.

my airbrush is still new and mysterious so i had to use it again. but i couldn't find my good heart stencil. note, if you want excellent hearts, don't try cutting heart-shaped holes out of paper, it will frustrate you. (grin) but they turned out ok. the spotty look is from thinning the food coloring with water to spray it. water mixes with the sugar on the surface of the icing and makes a hand-dyed look. (i hear vodka won't alter the surface, just evaporate, which i'll try soon.) then i outlined the painted hearts in black food coloring, and the edge of the cookie in pink sugar and thought "doesn't that look just like those little t-shirts from the '90s?" you know, the ringer tees, with the little baby-onesie graphic on the chest? don't they?

and these were pink on pink, then brushed with white pearl dust, the same way the lemons in January were gold on yellow. Mom agreed, even in person, up close, they look like fabric. (don't they?) now i should go rummage through my sewing supplies for color and texture ideas, huh? ok, i'm on it.

coming soon, girlie tractors, maybe another order, and my other sister-in-law turns 29 again.

happy Valentine's Day everyone!


  1. I found you through the Children's Party Network. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous work! Do you have an Etsy shop?

  2. thank you! my crafts will have an etsy shop (hopefully) soon, but IL food laws require that i do my cookies in a commercial kitchen for sale to the public (out of my price range). so far my friends and family are my customers. :) if you know a caterer that's hiring, let me know!
